Image Nate Dumlao

The benefit cap and two-child limit: history, narratives & lived experiences

Starts Jun 10, 2021 09:00

Ends 10:30

Youā€™ll hear from Dr Tracey Jensen about the ā€˜machine of anti-welfare commonsenseā€™ underpinning the policy approach, and its particular policing and stigmatising of (some) parents. Dr Chris Grover will explain historic proposals to introduce a cap to benefits under Thatcherā€™s governments, why these were ultimately rejected, and what changed in the intervening years to see the benefit cap legislated for during Cameronā€™s time as prime minister.

Finally, youā€™ll hear emergent findings from the Benefit Changes and Larger Families Study, which is walking alongside a small number of families in Bradford and London as they live with and experience these two policies.

Speakers will also reflect on whether a post-pandemic context is likely to spell a decisive break with the social security policy approach taken over recent years.


ā€˜Benefit broodsā€™ and welfare consensus

Tracey Jensen

Restricting benefit income in Britain

Chris Grover

Early findings from our qualitative longitudinal research

Mary Reader and Kate Andersen

Video of the full session

Speakers respond to questions from participants

At the webinar, more than 100 people joined the panel to discuss the two-child limit and benefit cap. Many of the great questions posed were answered during the session, which you can watch above. But we didn't get time to get to all of the questions. Panellists kindly answered these questions after the webinar, and these questions (anonymised) and their responses are included here.

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